Rahul Gandhi - India’s National Burden

A roundup of some of the major statements and episodes which show how Rahul Gandhi is a national burden.
Rahul Gandhi - India’s National Burden
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4 min read

WHILE RAHUL GANDHI has been the subject of ridicule thanks to his continuous display of ineptitude, increasingly his public conduct and utterances are now bordering on harming the country in his quest to dislodge the current regime. His rampage gets a free pass in the media because the marginalisation of the mainstream media has been amongst the stellar accomplishments of the Modi government.

Both the media and Rahul Gandhi are now tangoing to reclaim their former vice-like grip on the narrative which stands completely discredited and dismantled. The manifestation of this is reflected in the frequent manufacturing of bogeys and issues to dent PM Modi and in this quest, any harm to India’s security, economy and external affairs is of no consequence to him. 

In the run up to 2024 elections this toxic tango of Rahul Gandhi and the media is beginning to cost India’s relentless march to establish itself as a premier global power by 2047. The costs would only multiply in the coming months.

And so, it's pertinent to dwell on Rahul Gandhi's insidious, irresponsible, and nefarious utterances, one at a time.


Let's jog our memory vis a vis China in the wake of Rahul Gandhi’s irresponsible statement - he said he would have thrown out China in less than 15 minutes!

The year 1962 shall always be remembered for the pusillanimity of Nehru and the terrible cost India had paid for it. Chinese forces had stealthily entered our territory and when this incursion was brought up by the opposition in the parliament, Nehru shamelessly responded, "Not a blade of grass grows there!" The sheer incompetence of Nehru during 1962 is a fit case for being tried for war crimes.

The media, instead of criticising Rahul's irresponsible statement, fanned it.

Slandering India’s Air Defence

After the comatose tenure of former Defence Minister AK Antony which set back India’s defence preparedness significantly, the Modi government worked overtime to bolster India’s air power and attack capability by working out a government -to-government deal for procuring 36 Rafale aircraft with the French government.

Ably assisted by the media, Rahul Gandhi drummed up a campaign to smear this deal with corruption charges which the SC examined and gave a clean chit. Rahul had to apologize to the court.

Trying to stymie India’s defence capabilities is tantamount to treason but he continues to defame and has multiple, ongoing defamation cases against him. One led to his disqualification from the parliament.

Playing with Fire in Manipur

Entirely consistent with his past record, Rahul Gandhi thundered about a month ago that the "Indian Army can stop the Manipur nonsense in two days but PM Modi is preventing it.”

Once again, Rahul's deliberate attempt to pass loose statements on sensitive issues was on display -- its roots lie in his blind hatred for Modi. 

It’s important to contextualize the Manipur conflagration ( which was not the first). The current situation was triggered by an egregious judgement delivered by a single judge bench granting special status to the Meitei community. The state government had no role to play in this and historical animosities got triggered.

Firsthand accounts tell us that women from both communities form a perimeter cordon the minute they see the Army and given Indian Army’s rules of engagement, they have not been able to proceed. The state has been a vortex of historical strife for decades and has a massive opium cultivation industry which the state Government cracked down upon, all leading to the eruption.

Given this, Rahul Gandhi's Bollywoodesque statement makes us question his sanity.

Personal Attacks on an Elected PM

In one of vilest utterances yet, Rahul Gandhi declared that the "Youth of this country will start beating PM Modi with sticks in six months.”

This statement reveals a lack of dignity of character. It also reflects in the abysmal quality of Rahul Gandhi's thought and language. We are nearing the end of 2023 and going by the recent India Today poll, PM Modi continues to tower over all the opposition pygmies in the run up to 2024 elections.

The statement also underscores the poor upbringing of Rahul Gandhi. His egregious public behaviour is continuously fanned by fawning sycophants, and mollycoddled by a mainstream media fed for decades on the largesse of Padma awards and other chocolates.

Ridiculing “Make in India”

Emitting a Pavlovian response, Rahul Gandhi also trained his guns at PM Modi's ambitious Make in India initiative ridiculing it as, "Make in India is an empty slogan, it will never succeed.”

Rahul's political desperation apart, his compulsive propensity to deride anything designed to make India better speaks volumes about where the loyalties lie. It has always been family first, sycophants second and India last. 

The Modi government realised that developing India as a manufacturing hub would help on multiple fronts. The manufacturing sector is a huge employment generator. Even strategically, over time, Make in India will act as a counter to China which is entrenched in this space.

Notwithstanding his severe lacunae in every faculty of thought and speech, Rahul Gandhi demonised India in the garb of criticising Make in India. He unleashed his limited vocabulary learnt from Sam Pitroda who taught him only two words: strategic and tactical. This was on full display when Rahul exhorted a crowd of students asking them to join his chorus of “Make in India” not being “strategic” enough. Unhappily for him, the students refused to join the chorus.

IUML is Secular

The quintessential bogey that the Congress has desperately tried to plaster the BJP with has always been about what it calls communalism.

After his resounding defeat in Amethi, Rahul Gandhi joined hands with IUML which is the remnant of the party that led to the partition of India. His sheer brazenness of this political opportunism vis a vis IUML comes from a slavish media.

But in this case, a journalist did ask him about IUML tie-up. Rahul's response was typical: the IUML is “secular”. A response which the media faithfully endorsed given its obligation to his dynasty.

In the final reckoning, Rahul Gandhi, the entitled dynast, has now crossed all red lines and has done everything to establish himself as the mascot of all that is inimical to India and its future. 

Rahul Gandhi has now become a national burden and poses a clear and present danger to India as a whole. The toxic combination of this stunted gent fuelled by desperation, mollycoddled by the media, and propped up by anti-India forces has already inflicted enormous damage. 

It is time that a cost is imposed on Rahul Gandhi.

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