
Why Amit Shah’s FCRA Bill has Rattled Oxfam India: Explained in Two Parts

Sandeep Balakrishna

Home Minister Amit Shah’s Foreign Contribution Regulation (Amendment) Bill 2020 passed yesterday in the Lok Sabha comes as a much-welcome, long-awaited relief which will hopefully check the untrammeled depredations against national security that took place under FCRA during the UPA’s dark decade. Two major items in the Bill are significant:

1. Reducing administrative expenses of NGOs to just 20 percent from the earlier 50 percent.

2. Prohibiting public servants from receiving foreign funding.

In the interests of Aapaddharma (Dharma of exigency), it would have been ideal to completely scrap FCRA until the entire NGO cabal was fully cleaned up. But the ways of politics are strange and we can leave it at that.

The latest FCRA Bill is almost equal in importance to the scrapping of Article 370 because among other major evils, the Kashmir issue was where substantial NGO money was pumped into.

Expectedly, the (mainly English) media response to the Bill was uniform. Here are some major, prefabricated headlines from the usual suspects.

The first responder to the Bill was Amitabh Behar, CEO of Oxfam India, one of the more dangerous NGOs that wreaked havoc during the UPA era.

Oxfam’s website provides a brief CV Amitabh Behar as follows:

Amitabh Behar, Chief Executive Officer of Oxfam India, is a global civil society leader… until recently, led the board of Amnesty International India. Prior to Oxfam, Mr. Behar was the Executive Director of National Foundation for India and served as the Convener of National Social Watch Coalition and the Co-Chair of Global Call to Action Against Poverty, a network of over 11,000 civil society organisations.

The notable highlights in Amitabh Behar’s CV include his senior role in Amnesty, National Foundation for India and 11,000 civil society organisations, as we shall see. When Behar calls the amended Bill a “devastating blow,” he is speaking the truth but not in the way ordinary people understand the word “truth.”

A Faceless Seven-Star Hotel

The global NGO network is akin to a sprawling, nameless and faceless seven-star hotel that straddles continents. Names of individual NGOs are akin to the names of the different restaurants and lounges and bars housed within the premises of this hotel. That is one way to understand the “11,000 civil society organisations” mentioned in Amitabh Behar’s profile. The fundamental question though, is this: why does the world even need so many “civil society organisations?”

The mother of all NGO work and activism is the banyan tree known as “Human Rights.” Other offshoots include minority rights, poverty alleviation, gender inequality, women’s issues, poverty, religious persecution, and so on. As per convenience and opportunity, these terms become interchangeable. However, the one area that none of these NGOs touch is Islamic terrorism or Jihad or gender equality in the Muslim community.

As the only surviving non-Abrahamic civilization, India presents a curious case. It is only in India that mutually warring forces elsewhere come to bed together and this Indian NGO nexus gives incest a bad name. It is only in India that the Muhammadan sands of Arabia are given a baptized welcome by sprinkling them with Holy Water of Christ.

Five Major Themes in India

Squeezing a forty-year-old history, we observe that NGO forays into India by the late 1990s were focused around five major themes, all carefully and strategically chosen with a diabolical long-term vision of splintering India into pieces:

1. Border conflicts: Given how India is encircled by hostile neighbours, the NGO activity in this sphere was concentrated primarily in Kashmir with a singleminded determination followed by the North East. Pakistan’s policy of death by a thousand cuts was fuelled by the NGO ammunition of narrative building and peddling.

2. External and internal security: To make #1 more effective, a narrative was built up demonizing the Indian armed forces as rapists, butchers and worse. This falls directly in the domain of the Human Rights lobby. If we are today witnessing third-rated anti-India web series like Family Man and trashy movies like Raazi, it is only the cinematic manifestation of the aforementioned narrative. The Human Rights lobby was initially backed and generously funded by the global Left. Over time, consistent lobbying paid off: the Human Rights lobby is now funded by Indian taxpayer money to demonise and handcuff our security and police forces from discharging their duty with timeliness, speed, optimum force and success.

3. Breaking the Hindu society: Given the wealth of information and awareness on this topic, this doesn’t need repetition. In sum, this deadly project has largely succeeded with devastating results. Hundreds of age-old Sanatana traditions have been lost irretrievably. Hindu temples are under unprecedented threat of a fundamental nature not witnessed even during the protracted Islamic rule. Major Hindu festivals are perhaps no longer under the control of the community. The ruckus against Deepavali has thrown lakhs of firecracker workers on the streets most notably in Sivakasi. Sadly, much of this destruction has happened by the Leftist recruitment of gullible and impressionable young Hindus who continue to be used as cannon-fodder against their own society, community, culture and parents. Perhaps one of the bigger successes of this global Left-NGO nexus is how lakhs of young Hindu women have turned against their own culture and society. The long-term consequences of this demonic project cannot be underestimated. The list is nearly endless.

4. Softening the Hindu psyche against the Jihadi threat: This is an oft-overlooked theme and merits an independent essay. But here is one way to understand it: remember the sinister Aman ki Asha hot-air balloon that was floated in 2010? It was a joint operation between the Pakistani Jang Media Group and Times of India Group. One sordid outcome of Aman ki Asha was a narrative that drew an eerie simultaneous equation that “Pakistanis are also people like us.” It truly defies belief when we recall the fact that Aman ki Asha was launched just two years after 26/11. Dilip Padgaonkar, Kuldip Nayar, Arundhati Roy, and Gautam Navlakha were among its leading lights with folks like Barkha Dutt providing cover fire. It is now an open secret that all of them are on the payroll of powerful global breaking-India forces cloaked as NGOs and “civil society organisations.” At various points, Aman ki Asha events were graced and patronized by by the foul-mouthed Mani Shankar Aiyar, Salman Haidar, Shoma Choudhury, and Kabir Bedi. The consequence of this narrative, that Pakistan=India has led to the softening of the Hindu psyche against the constant threat of Jihad emanating from next door. The softening was done by incessantly hammering the mantra of “peace,” aman. Enough said.

5. Demonising the RSS: This vile endeavour is perhaps as old as the RSS itself and has today assumed monstrous proportions because it is not only global but increased and instant connectivity has made it easier to spread the anti-RSS poison. If it were not so dangerous, it would actually be amusing when proven fascists equate the RSS with the Nazis. However, when we separate the thick mud plastered on this spurious narrative, we notice a simple fact: breaking India forces realise that the real strength of the RSS lies in its solid social and cultural connection that spans the entire nation and encompasses the whole Hindu society, an extraordinary feat achieved by forging bonds by going door-to-door. With all its power, manpower, global funding, and given its centuries’-long presence in India, the grand Christian missionary plan is a grand failure. Needless, demonising the RSS with a long-term view to destroy it remains a permanent agenda of the NGO nexus. In the contemporary time, the project has received a massive setback whereas the RSS has grown from strength to strength.

With this backdrop, we can examine the prolonged and destructive role of the so-called humanitarian organization, Oxfam in India. To begin with, Oxfam is one of the major foreign policy arms of the British Government.

To be continued

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